haydyn choi @5audade-
baseball was never just a game it was a lifestyle for me

haydyn choi twenty two years old. korean american. six foot one inch tall. one tattoo. six ear piercings. one lip ring

dni -17, uncomfortable with topics of anxiety and ptsd, looking for a relationship, looking for admin interaction

about he is an ex pro baseball player who currently works in film as an editor. he has one older brother and his mom, both live in the united states. he retired from baseball at twenty one due to career ending injuries.

relationship he is sexually fluid and a switch who doesnt lean. he is a non-multi. he is in a committed relationship with the love of his life sias ahn. As a lover he is rather clingy and loves attention. He loves being around you always.

friendships he is a very sarcastic person who enjoys teasing you and talking to you about just about anything. He loves taking you on friendship dates as his love language is gift giving. He will always ask you how you are. very caring

dontworryibite on disc

haydyn choi @5audade-
baseball was never just a game it was a lifestyle for me